Sunday, February 28, 2010

We're Going To Need A Bigger Brain

Part of a broken plate test tile (propped against a stack of bowls for the purpose of picture taking). This is the jaw of a calavera, glazed with light shino. The carved background on the left is mottled blue glaze. On the right is transparent gray glaze. I like the mottled blue and I'll use it again definitely.

Yesterday at the studio I was having a hard time focusing. I glazed a plate and fed the cat. I started to handbuild a vase then ended up throwing pots on a wheel. Just so you know, I never throw pots on a wheel. Or at least I haven't in six years or so. Ten-plus years ago, I started out throwing pots but after perhaps two lessons switched over to handbuilding and I never looked back. Sometimes, when I'm stuck or bored, I go back to throwing. It's just a way to jolt The Brain out of a rut.

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